Are You Looking For a Job? Here’s An Easy Guide For you Applicable Today

Whether you are looking for a remote job or a traditional job, it can be exhilarating and exhausting at the same time.

“It’s been three months now, and I am still looking for a job.” Sounds familiar? Is that your line too?

With the current economy, consequently, the job market is affected. As a result, some say that looking for a job during this time takes longer than expected. Job seekers started to feel disheartened. Anxiety kicks in when your application online is left unanswered. Or worse, nothing is happening at all.

“Why is it companies are not responding to my applications?”

“Am I doing it right?”

You may wonder.

I encourage you to keep reading. You’ll likely find the answers. And perhaps clear some of your uncertainty.

remote jobs

Here is an easy guide for someone looking for a job.

Job search is not like “responding to every job ads and waiting for a call” game.

1. Evaluate the way you look for a job

Job search is not like the “responding to every job ad and waiting for a call” game. It does not just work that way. A solid game plan is a key to acing your job hunting. Hence, understanding your approach to looking for a job is your foundation.

Know what job you are looking for

Now, the lead questions are:

  • Do you know what type of jobs you want to pursue?
  • Can you name at least three job titles that aligned with your career goal?
  • What are your core competencies? Can you identify at least five?
  • What kind of work environment or culture do you prefer?
  • Do you know which industry or industries your skills can leverage?

If you were able to answer these questions without a doubt, you are safe in looking for a job. You do know pretty well your path.

On the other hand, if you struggle to answer, you don’t have to worry. I have a solution for you. Review your work history and list down the responsibilities that excite you. Identify the skills that let you achieve those accomplishments you performed. Henceforward, with your lists, it will assist you to know the job you are looking for.

Your Resume

Many companies are using an Applicant Tracking System or ATS. It’s a software design to automate the recruitment process. The method includes scanning resumes and ranking candidates that are deemed right for an interview.

Here are your guide questions to check if your resume is ATS-friendly or not:

  • Is your resume considerably ATS compliant?
  • Did you check the keywords from the job post? Can you identify at least five keywords?
  • Did you tailor your resume to include these keywords?
  • Are you sending a customized resume to each job opening?
  • Conversely, are you contented in sending a generic one? If yes, then you are killing your chance to get noticed.

Do you need to rewrite your resume to make it ATS-friendly? You might like to explore the amazing things about writing a resume.

Your program

Successful job searches are not just about career goals and resumes. There is more to looking for a job. It is also about what involves in your routine. Questions that you may consider asking:

  • Have you set up job alerts?
  • Are you visiting the job board of your target company regularly?
  • Are you communicating with the hiring manager or recruiter about your application?
  • Is your LinkedIn profile updated? Are you active on LinkedIn?
  • Are you giving time to connect and contact your potential direct manager to discuss the job opening?
  • Do you find time to relax? Is it part of your schedule?
  • Are you investing time to learn online?

Including a variety of activities in your routine will help you keep motivated. Keeping your energy when looking for a job is challenging. Therefore, restoring your motivation will help you to be more focused.

looking for remote job

2. Give attention to your personal branding

In the digital age, personal branding matters. One study conducted in 2018 found that 70% of employers use social media to screen candidates during the hiring process. On the other hand, 43% of employers use social media to check on current employees.

Everything you say and show on your social media accounts describes your personal brand. Your personal brand reveals what you can offer. Your personal branding suggests the unique combination of your skills and expertise.

What can you do to boost your personal branding?

  • Be authentic.
  • Post relevant content.
  • Share positivity.
  • Post content that establishes your unique value proposition (UVP).
  • Engage and interact with others online.
  • Avoid sharing contemptuously impertinent content publicly.
  • Graciously respond to people who want to network with you.
  • Attend networking events related to your interest.
  • Meet people and engage in a face-to-face conversation.
  • Show off your expertise by writing and publishing a blog or article.

You run the risk of losing out on the market if you aren’t engaging well. Managing your online reputation effectively can help you land a job.

3. Looking for a job is your personal and professional project

Yes, you have to treat job hunting as your personal and professional project. Your job pays your bills. It feeds your family and provides for your needs. That’s why looking for a job can be appreciably discerned as your personal project. Your job set your growth and contrives your career path. For that, it becomes your professional project.

Just like any other project, it embraces the following components:

A clear scope of what do you want to achieve

In other words, the job you are looking for is your “why”. Your purpose. You surely do not want to waste your time looking for a job that is far from what you want to carry out.

Focus on what type of jobs you want to pursue. Fix your eyes on finding the roles where you can exercise your expertise and made an impact.

Schedule of works and tasks to do

Your job right now is to find your spot. Your duties are job searching, polishing a resume, sending applications, communicating, networking, and following up.

With that, organizing your work and tasks is essential. As I mentioned earlier, your routine is also a factor in your success. Here are some things you may consider in your schedule:

Make the list
  • List your target job titles.
  • Job sites you want to check or visit, set job alerts directly send to your e-mail address.
  • Companies and organizations you desire to work for.
  • List of recruiters you need to contact.
Strategize your application
  • Find the keywords from the job ads.
  • Polish your resume and include the keywords.
  • Create a short video about yourself.
  • Write your cover letter targeting the job you are applying to.
  • Connect with the hiring manager, and send a follow-up e-mail.
  • Research about the company or posted job before sending your resume/CV video, be careful with scams.
  • Prepare well for an interview.
Sell up, skills up
  • Attend online webinars, live seminars, or workshops.
  • Read books.
  • Read blogs or articles.
  • Watch videos that are available online.
  • Listen to podcasts.
  • And yes, just like what you are doing now – read or find ways to develop your job-seeking skills.
Go and socialize
  • Post or share relatable articles on your social media accounts.
  • Engage with your social network.
  • Follow the companies you wanted to for, comment on/or share their posts.
  • Find time to meet people, and be open to advise and possible leads.

And please, don’t forget to take a break – eat on time, watch good movies, go to a spa, to a gym, etc.

Never forget to have your “me-time”.

Your Resources

Your time is the most precious. As Harvey Mackay once said:

“Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it you can never get it back.”

Find ways or tools that will help you with your schedule. For instance, setting up your daily to-do list using the Trello app.

Secondly, take good care of your energy. No one is responsible for your health (physically, mentally, and psychologically) except yourself. Keeping a positive state is what you need to keep up with the job search.

And lastly, manage your finance wisely, especially in this pandemic time.

Let’s Wrap Up

Looking for a job is indeed quite challenging. In every application, the jobseeker sends it with hope and confidence to get the spot.

The searching, polishing a resume, and waiting for the interview could be tiresome at times. However, strategizing the way you look for a job, your schedule, and how you use your resources can make a difference.

So, there you have it, your easy guide when looking for a job. To help you deal with unnecessarily wasted effort.

Share with us your job search routine in the comment box below.

And if you are looking for remote jobs, freelance or companies hiring full time today, please visit this page.

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